was an aerospace engineer and test pilot, born in Germany in 1908.  He came to the USA in 1948.  He designed gliders, airplanes and rockets. For the highlights of his career click here:
Part 1: Germany
Part 2: U.S.A.

Mugu Regulus II

The next article in this section by LeRoy E. Day concerns the work that was done by the US Navy at Point Mugu CA shortly after the second World War. If you want to download this article  in PDF format click here:


LeRoy Day

LeRoy “Roy” Day is an aerospace engineer, a graduate of Georgia Tech, who began his career as a Naval Officer. His early work was in the development and test of guided missiles and pilotless aircraft. During this period he worked with several German scientists who had been brought to the United States after the conclusion of World War II. He joined NASA shortly after John Glenn made the first American orbital flight in Februari 1962. He headed a group that did the initial planning for the Space Shuttle and then continued as the Deputy Director, Space Shuttle for its development and first flight. Roy Day holds advanced degrees from UCLA and MIT. He has written numerous technical papers, an autobiography Road from Hildene, as well as Manned Space Flight, personal reflections on the Space Program. He is a member of the International Academy of Astronautics, a recipient of NASA’s Distinguished Service Medal and listed in Who’s Who in America. After retirement he lived with his wife Mary in Rockville, Maryland. His beloved wife died in 2014.

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airplane construction interbellum – like Rohrbach and many other pioneers