1994: A Tale of Two Cities

Today is August 2020 and we are marooned at home in a weird standoff.
I found on my computer an old story that I wrote in 1994 while living in my home city of Amsterdam, about an even earlier time when I lived in Canada, in the good old city of Toronto.

That story takes us back to the early 1960’s. (Boy, I am getting old).

In that time incoming Canadian Prime Minister Diefenbaker had just killed the Avro Canada CF-105 Arrow supersonic fighter project.
Hundreds of top aviation engineers and technicians fled across the southern border to McDonnell-Douglas, Boeing and NASA Houston.

IBM took back its engineering-floating-point-electronic-computer that had been used for the thousands of necessary calculations, and opened a Scientific Data Center in Toronto. They hired dozens of young engineering graduates to write custom application programs.
Later, in 1994, in Amsterdam, I found myself reminiscing about that golden period.

Click here if you want to read the file.

Also read the fascinating story of the Avro Canada CF-105 Arrow:


picture credit:
By R. Sieben, CC BY 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=55926920